Help - Audio Design Desk
How Can We Help?


In the Help Menu you will find the latest Audio Design Desk manual which you can search using the search tab. 


Request Support:

Takes you to the Contact Support page of the ADD website where you can view our FAQ or create a Support Ticket emailed to [email protected].


Contact Us:

Takes you to the Contact Us page of the ADD website where you can ask more general questions emailed to [email protected].



Opens the Manual page of the ADD website.


Release Notes:

Shows a quick breakdown of the most recent features added, refined, or fixed with the latest update.


Interactive Tour:

Opens a quick Walkthrough of ADD where can press the buttons as you move along to create your first project. This is the same Interactive Tutorial that starts when first opening ADD.


Video Tutorials:

A list of the latest and most relevant video tutorials. When selected, video tutorials will be brought into ADD for your review saving you the pain of switching back and forth between windows and allowing you to press the buttons as the tutorial explains them.


Table of Contents

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Fill out the form to receive your ADD discount

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Fill out the form to complete your MAKR registration

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Fill out the form to complete your MAKR registration

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Fill out the form to complete your MAKR registration

Apply Now

Fill out the form to complete your MAKR registration

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Just let us know if you’re a student or educator and someone from our team will follow up with you shortly.

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Someone from our team will follow up with you shortly.

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Someone from our team will follow up with you shortly.